In the event of earthquakes or seismic activity, seismic cable restraint systems are installed in buildings to protect isolated pipes, ducts, electrical systems and other suspended equipment.
These restraints create slack between the building and the component to ensure the systems move with the building, offering increased protection for personnel, equipment, and structural components.
Ideally, these assemblies are quick and easy to install. They should:
- Allow for adjustment without the use of tools
- Have no length limitations
- Be lightweight and easy to carry
- Fit in tight spaces
- Work well as retrofitted components
The safety-critical nature of seismic cable restraint systems also requires a high level of quality control and a commitment to meeting a wide range of specific needs. Engineering Specialties, Inc. (ESI) has the necessary experience with seismic cable restraint and other MEP applications to meet these requirements. The following case study demonstrates our ability to provide the best solution to our customers.
The Challenge
A manufacturer of building products was searching for a partner to help design and produce a seismic cable restraint system to protect buildings from earthquakes and comply with the latest building codes. Their original design involved cross drilling through bolt threads to accommodate the cable — however, this process resulted in burrs. These burrs inhibited proper thread function related to feeding the cables through the bolts.
The Solution
ESI’s main objective was to overcome the burring issue. We assembled our team of design engineers, tool and die makers, machinists, welders, and stamping and assembly personnel and came up with the necessary plan to complete the job.
We began by stamping the part in the desired form, and then incorporated a number of processes to deburr the bolt after the drilling process. We then completed with an assembly of the requested component.
The Result
We delivered 20,000 requested units to our client within a turnaround time of 8 weeks. By performing multiple processes in house, ESI retained a production advantage over our competitors. In addition, our demanding, internal quality control processes allowed us to exceed governmental and third-party regulations as they applied to these cables.
We easily met our client’s volume request and were well within the budget they had provided for the project, resulting in a highly satisfied customer.
Quality Manufacturing from ESI
This case study demonstrates our team’s ability to provide the necessary solutions to the most challenging situations in house. We provide MEP and seismic cable restraint solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner without sacrificing the quality and critical integrity of the product.
If you would like to learn more about how partnering with ESI will benefit your organization, contact us today.